
How can Global 10x help you grow your user base and revenue internationally?

International Growth

  • International expansion planning: market research, entry strategies, risk assessment
  • Market prioritization: evaluation of TAM by region and alignment with your customer segmentation
  • GTM optimization plan: launch planning, evaluation of pricing & payment options and distribution channels
  • Growth experimentation strategy: creation of a growth playbook for repeatable, measurable impact


  • Localization people, process & technology audit: assess your current strengths and weaknesses to meet business needs
  • Strategy for scaling localization operations: cost-effective expansion of localization models
  • Language expansion planning: identify optimal languages and markets for your product’s ideal customer profile
  • Rapid localization process implementation: enable <24-hour localization turnaround for fast-track translation

Coaching & Mentoring

  • Advisor to Founders on International expansion: a trusted advisor for global impact
  • Mentoring Product & Localization leaders to become more effective: empowering leaders to succeed among senior executives
  • Coaching Product & Growth teams to embrace international expansion and growth: guide teams towards shared success and efficiency 
  • Coaching localization teams to transition from cost centers to revenue growth drivers: shifting focus towards business ROI and customer satisfaction

Courses & Workshops